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Happy Holidays from GAVIN

At this time of year, we are accustomed to reflecting on the twelve months that passed and looking forward to the New Year. We are very grateful that most of 2022 resembled our pre-pandemic routines and we are hopeful that 2023 will bring many occasions for creating lifelong happy memories.  We would also like to acknowledge the mental health hardship that many children have experienced coming out of COVID and we remain mindful that many people in our communities are less fortunate. Therefore, we are donating to the Children’s Mental Health Ontario and the Daily Bread Food Bank to express our support.  As a reminder, our offices will be closed from December 23rd to January 2nd. We look forward to helping you and your families in 2023.


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Cardinal Point Athlete Advisors
3280 Bloor Street West
Centre Tower, Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario M8X 2X3