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Smart Money

January 30, 2019

GAVIN Equity Portfolio – US Investors

Annualized Return of 10.5% Since Inception

GAVIN manages approximately 25% of each client’s portfolio with direct exposure to between 15 and 25 companies that are publicly traded in North America. The equity portfolio has achieved an annualized, 4-year return of 10.5%, as at 31-Dec-18. These results handily beat the benchmark’s 5.8% return. In addition to high potential returns, managing a segregated equity portfolio provides cost savings, the greatest flexibility for tax planning and improved transparency. Check out the fact sheet to learn more about GAVIN’s equity portfolio.

Fact Sheet for US Investors


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Cardinal Point Athlete Advisors
3280 Bloor Street West
Centre Tower, Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario M8X 2X3