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Investment Management

Regardless of where you are in life, goals matter. Our team can help you define your goals and, more importantly, develop a financial game plan to achieve them.

Our Philosophy


The price of an asset is important, but understanding the value of that asset is what separates long-term investors from speculators or gamblers. We use a safety-first approach that prioritizes financial stability over upside potential. And for us, the most important question to ask before adding any investment to your portfolio is: “How much risk should you take and how will this investment impact your portfolio’s risk profile?”


Objective-Based Investing

What are your long-term financial objectives? What rate of return is required to put those goals within reach? Everything that we do from an investment management perspective is driven by those two questions, providing you with objective-based investment advice and counsel.


Our Process


Your investment portfolio is the engine of your financial plan. We design portfolios that are built for the long-term, help limit risk, and grow your assets in a reliable way. At each step, we provide objective-based investment guidance that includes multiple asset classes.




Multiple Asset Classes

We believe in building diversified portfolios that leverage multiple asset classes. By design, this will mean that not all of assets in your portfolio are at peak performance at any given time. However, this diversified approach means that, as a whole, your portfolio has a chance to win every “game.” See our tactical investment offerings.


Tactical Offerings


We manage an equity portfolio in-house and leverage leading managers to provide niche investment opportunities. These solutions can be strategically combined into a diversified portfolio or accessed as stand-alone investments. Below is a selection of the tactical offerings available to our investors.


GAVIN Equity Portfolio

Established in 2015, the GAVIN Equity Portfolio is a concentrated portfolio of mid-to-large cap North American equities. The strategy specifically targets companies with a history of providing a strong return on capital invested. Additionally, the strategy pursues companies whose current value reflects an excessive focus on short-term results rather than long-term value creation.

GAVIN Special Opportunities Fund

The GAVIN Special Opportunities Fund is a fund-of funds security that invests in a fund that specifically targets the supply chain for cannabinoid-wellness solutions and in a joint-venture real estate fund that is comprised of high-quality developments in the U.S. and Canada.

Sierpinski Tactical Growth

The Sierpinski Tactical Growth fund is powered by Hedgeye Risk Management. It aims to preserve and grow capital throughout all segments of the economic cycle. To do this, the analysts diligently measure and map key economic and capital market data, which provides a look into the prevailing macroeconomic environment and the securities which tend to thrive within each stage of the business cycle. Notably, this fund provides a unique layer of transparency as it relates to the fund’s holdings and transactions.

Direct Private Investments & Real Estate Strategies

In addition to leading funds, we provide access to exclusive investment opportunities within the private equity and real estate world. Recent opportunities include equity partnerships with top-performing Canadian farmers, private loans to consolidators in the health care sector, and investments in real estate-focused alternative investment companies. These investments often come with a heightened risk/reward profile, and our team can help determine the appropriate investment to support your long-term financial objectives.

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Cardinal Point Athlete Advisors
3280 Bloor Street West, Centre Tower, Suite 500, Toronto, Ontario M8X 2X3