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How a tax ruling could hobble pro teams north of the border

Chris Slawson, a director at Cardinal Point Athlete Advisors, works directly with players and agents to prepare clients before they dive into contract talks. Take-home pay, obviously, is important, but players also weigh issues like lifestyle, family, expenses and endorsement opportunities. Advisers like Cardinal Point also analyze tax rates. And of course, there are key factors like team competitiveness, how a player fits into a roster — or even the appeal of playing for a team they grew up cheering for.  “I just don’t think it’s a matter of ‘taxes are high in Canada, so we’re not going there,’” says Slawson.

For the full article, click here.


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Cardinal Point Athlete Advisors
3280 Bloor Street West
Centre Tower, Suite 500
Toronto, Ontario M8X 2X3